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  1. Savannah

    Is it legal to own a skunk as a pet in Iowa?

    I did not know that Iowa allowed skunks as pets! They sure are cute, except for the smell part :D Rats and mice can be adorable too :) I have never owned either, but when I was a kid, I had hamsters and I used to love them so much!
  2. Savannah

    Are you required to get a permit for a bake sale / lemonade stand?

    It largely depends on the state laws, the nature of the goods sold and other factors. I am not sure about Texas, but in California for example, a permit is definitely needed for such activities.
  3. Savannah

    Do permits enhance a property's value?

    I agree with Eric. Logically, I don't see that permits have any effect on increasing the value of the property. However, the lack thereof might cause the property price to decrease, should you want to sell it at some point.
  4. Savannah

    Permit for Airbnb Apartments

    I don't think I would want to operate an AirBnB either. It's just too much hassle, and the level of profitability is somewhat low from what I hear. I just don't think it's worth the headache.