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  1. C

    What does your permit submittal process look like?

    Ahh, we just did this Jan 1st. The biggest hurdle of them all is public education. Having the announcements and requirements spelled out for the public will be a tremendous help. Another one is add/changing processing procedures for now storing all the documents/applications. We still require...
  2. C

    Contractor Vs Owner Builder

    In these parts a homeowner can do everything as long as they fill out the appropriate paperwork and plans reflect the work being done. We advise to use a license, bonded, and insured contractor but technically they can pull the permit and do al the work.
  3. C

    Online Portals

    How many platforms/portals does your city utilize. Does it help or create more work for the permit tech? We utilize two client facing systems that really equal 3 programs on our side we have to navigate through now that we are fully digital.