Customer service surveys


Staff member
Apr 16, 2023
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How do other offices out there collect customer service feedback? One problem we seem to have is that although we have a survey (, it only asks customers questions at the section/organization level and doesn't offer any opportunity to comment on the quality of service of individual staff members. I think this has something to do with fed gov restrictions on collecting PII but I'm not really sure.

Do any other offices out there collect feedback and is it ever employee-specific? How do you use customer survey data to improve your department/agency?
United States
We used to send out a customer satisfaction survey with every permit that was issued. We rarely received them back and have since stopped sending them.
Same here. We include the survey link in every permit and in every regulator's email signature, but the response rate is super low. You'd almost have to withhold the permit until they complete the survey (lol) to start getting statistically meaningful response numbers.

Not sure why people are so reluctant to complete the survey. I speculate that some are maybe afraid to provide potentially negative feedback to the permitting authority, especially if that relationship is vital to their business (i.e., not wanting to risk "rocking the boat"). I really hope that's not the case, but the lack of responses makes me wonder.