Going live with new software tomorrow

Emily C

Staff member
Jan 17, 2024
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Tomorrow morning my jurisdiction is going live with Tyler Tech, aka Enterprise Permitting & Licensing.
Any words of advice? Any "jeez, I wish I would have known this at go live time" that you can share?
Our jurisdiction is small, there were two of us who built the system on the backend....so I'm a little nervous, there's only so much testing one can do...
Sequim, Washington State, United States
Tomorrow morning my jurisdiction is going live with Tyler Tech, aka Enterprise Permitting & Licensing.
Any words of advice? Any "jeez, I wish I would have known this at go live time" that you can share?
Our jurisdiction is small, there were two of us who built the system on the backend....so I'm a little nervous, there's only so much testing one can do...

Congrats on the new system! Earlier this year, Corps Regulatory launched its Regulatory Request System (RRS). It's a great leap forward but I think is still kind of rough around the edges, e.g., in terms of all the educational info they're trying to integrate. I think the trickiest thing about designing the Corps' new system was getting appropriate input from all the regulators/stakeholders who would eventually be using it. All our districts operate differently enough that I think getting complete buy-in from everyone on a single, unified system was always going to be a challenge. Personally, I think the RRS would be better if individual districts had more individual control over it and if it was a bit simpler in terms of all the educational content.

But hope the launch/adoption of Sequim's system goes well. I do environmental permitting, not building/planning, so not sure how relatable my perspective is. But I think if development of your Tyler Tech system involved close collaboration with permitting staff/stakeholders and erred toward a "less is more" approach in terms of the content, then you should be in pretty good shape.
Did you go through a beta test before going fully live? That might give you some ideas of what you might be missing. That's all in the past, though, so I wish you good luck with the new system! Let us know how things are going so far.
Any updates at this point about how the new Tyler Tech system is going? :)

You'd mentioned it's been consuming a lot of your time. Any lessons learned you'd pass along to others for launching a new system like this?
It's going ok. I had a really really great implementation specialist whom I could call on anytime for help.
We did not convert our data from our old system and apparently that's a good thing. We did testing and training but there's just nothing like the live version. It is a good idea to "test" things before you do it in the production environment though, because if you break it, at least it's in the test module.
Everyday I learn something new, which for me is a good thing. We are getting there...
Thanks for asking!
I can tell you've been in the thick of things because you're throwing around database terminology like "production environment" :LOL:. It's great you're willing to take on all this technology work and I'm sure your office appreciates it.

Thanks for sharing!