League City cracks down on door-to-door solicitation with strict permit requirements


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Oct 30, 2023
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I don't know how you feel about them, but I'm not a big fan of door-to-door solicitation. I get that people have to make a living, and sometimes selling this way helps, but I am a private person who doesn't like to be interrupted unless I know it's coming.

And it looks like League City is kind of in agreement with me here, in that they are enacting stricter permit requirements to those selling door-to-door. The new rules are pretty simple, salesmen will now have to be permitted and carry identification. Homeowners will also be able to request this info if they show up.

But that's not all, as solicitors will be forced to go through a criminal background check and an online training course, that ends with an exam.

So this is a big step to curb that a bit, and I hope more places follow through with similar rulings. I don't like when people come to my home unannounced and I'm sure many others don't. And with the rise of ongoing scams, it's good that they're requiring so much in order to allow you to solicit door-to-door.

Check out the article on this news here: Hoodline
League City, Texas, United States
I am not a fan of them either. Usually I only get religious people, either trying to preach the word of god, or trying to sell me on something, or kids trying to sell candy. But I found we often get visits from obscure gas companies that try to steer us to a different company.

Ever since, I've put up "No Soliciting" signs around my property. I just prefer to have privacy over having people coming to my door whenever they see fit. And yeah, I often don't want people coming over. It's partly the reason I got a no soliciting sign. I might get a no trespassing sign too. :D
Ever since, I've put up "No Soliciting" signs around my property.
Has that actually worked, Jake? I've thought about displaying one of those signs, but I figured they'd just ignore it. Maybe I've been too hasty to give up on a simple solution before giving it a try.

Will this new rule affect those who go door-to-door evangelizing? I sure hope so.

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