Nevada to do their first ever big-game moose hunt.


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Oct 30, 2023
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Found an article about an upcoming moose hunt in Nevada. If you happen to live in Nevada, you can now take part in an upcoming moose hunt expected to happen this fall. The big reason for this hunt is due to the significant growth in the moose population within the state. It has risen to over 100 individuals. With this news, the state intends to issue a limited number of hunting tags, but expect many applicants, quite possibly in the thousands. There is also public opposition to the hunt.

If you intend to file for one of these moose hunting permits, you will first need to be a Nevada resident, otherwise you're not eligible to apply. Even though the amount of permits to be issues is unknown at this time, it's very likely to be a limited amount. Some say it's expected to be no more than three. They want to be cautious as they aim to balance the population management with conservation concerns.

If you're one of the hunters selected, any kills you get will require you to submit moose skulls and antlers to state wildlife officials within the first five days of harvesting said moose. The reason for said requirement, is part of their scientific effort to find more data on the health and body conditions, along with the overall dynamics of the population of moose in Nevada.

So what do you think about this? If you live in Nevada, and are a hunter, would you try getting in on this hunt?

You can read more about this news here - AP News
Nevada, United States
So wait, only three people will luck out with permits? Sounds like a lot of people are going to be vying for that permit. There will be a lot of people applying for these permits, but if only three are given out, that means this turns into a sort of lottery.

I get it though, the moose population is growing a lot and in turn causing issues, so this is the step they have to take to get back to normal.
I don't live in Nevada so this piece of information has no affect in me but I am against killing animals for fun. I see hunting as a cruel sport and I believe hunting should be stopped in any case. If the population of a certain animal is increasing, we need to introduce predator instead of allowing humans to kill them.

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