New penalties to be imposed on those who falsify permit applications


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Oct 30, 2023
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A new measure has been passed recently that would issue new & stricter penalties on those who submit any building permits with false information. The new rules state that if caught, they could receive a 2-year ban from applying for any new permits, and may also be forced to pay increased fees for any permits they file along with any plan reviews. Some may only be able to obtain a temporary certificate of occupancy.

The main focus, mostly with Bill 44, is on those who happen to be repeat offenders, especially those attempting to construct "Monster Homes" by exploiting loopholes in the permitting process. The new bill is trying to make it significantly harder for repeat offenders like this to ever build again. If they were caught lying many times on permits, it's even worse. They hope to curb the profits from constructing these "Monster Homes".

This new bill is just the start though, as there is more to be done. Council members like Vice-chair Esther Kiaaina believe that is exactly what is needed. There is also Bill 52, which proposes more fines for those who decide to build these "Monster Homes", especially if they don't match up with the character of their neighbors.

You can find more on this news from here: Spectrum Local News
Honolulu, Hawaii, United States
Monster homes are problems all over the US. They are homes that are usually far too big for the area and often exceed the height of nearby properties. I think if you intend to build a house that's bigger than most in your neighborhood, then prepare for the consequences, as Hawaii is starting to fight it. Good move Hawaii.
As I read through the article, I find that the proposed Bill 44 to be a significant step in addressing the issue of false information on building permits.By imposing stricter penalties such as a 2-year ban on permit applications, increased fees, and the possibility of only obtaining a temporary certificate of occupancy, the bill aims to deter such behavior effectively. I think it is a nice move from policymakers to actively targeting individuals who repeatedly engage in deceptive practices.
Good! It's about time that changes were made to ensure that we're all playing by the rules. I hope the bill passes and that it's signed into law soon.

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