New Septic Regulations Near Lake Morey in Fairlee


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Aug 26, 2023
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Attention, property owners and builders in Fairlee, Vermont! There are fresh changes in the town's zoning rules that you need to know about, especially if your property is close to Lake Morey. The Fairlee Selectboard has updated the permitting process to have more control over septic rules, all to safeguard the water quality in Lake Morey. Now, when you want a building permit, the town requires a professional check of your property's septic system to make sure it follows the state's rules.

The town is suggesting that you need to have more space between buildings and septic systems. If your septic system is 150 feet or more from the lake's high-water mark, you won't face restrictions on expanding your building. This change is a reaction to concerns about the state not being strict enough about septic systems, especially after issues with cyanobacteria in Lake Morey. This effort is part of a bigger plan to deal with water quality problems and keep the lake safe, which is a vital resource for the town. Stay updated and adjust to these new rules to help keep the environment healthier. You can find more details about this here.
Vermont, United States
I think this is a fair change, considering septic systems can cause a lot of problems with lakes and rivers if they are close to them. And I especially like the bit where those wanting to build near Lake Morey, need to get a professional to come in and look it over before they get the go-ahead.

We need rules like this everywhere, at least when near bodies of water.
Septic systems are a big concern, especially if the source of their drinking water is nearby! I'm really surprised that this issue wasn't brought up sooner by the local government or environmental groups. Sometimes when they make changes like this, it's because they've done testing and discovered things in the water that come from the septic systems...and no one wants to drink that stuff and get ill! Maybe more water testing should be done often?