Online tool for instant permit


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Aug 11, 2024
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I've found a useful tool that enables licensed contractors to obtain an instant permit for a simple kitchen or bath remodel. We're house flippers and have used it before, so can I verify that it's super simple to fill out. Unfortunately, the permit won't allow you to knock down walls or add additional appliances, but you can add additional electrical outlets, and you're allowed to move fixtures around. The requirements leave enough leeway for us contractors to do a remodel that looks gorgeous while also keeping the budget on track.

Even though this particular online tool applies to Palo Alto, I'm sure that many other cities have similar options. It's worth checking out.
California, United States
That is wonderful! Thank you for sharing, Cass. If only the same concept could apply to homeowners who want to modify their houses. I can understand why, though.

I look forward to seeing more permit types being issued instantly. For example, an instant permit to replace a water heater sounds nice.