Supreme Court Decision on Gun Range Ordinance


Jan 27, 2024
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The Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled in favour of Stroud Township's ordinance restricting firing guns to designated shooting ranges. Permits of zoning and occupancy are now required for indoor and outdoor shooting ranges.

This decision was made as there was a case against Jonathan Barris, who built a gun range on his property, prompting complaints from the neighbours.

The 2011 ordinance limits shooting ranges' locations, forbids firing between dusk and dawn, and requires a 150-foot distance from occupied structures. The ruling highlights the township's authority over firearm discharge regulations, which align with the U.S. firearm traditions.

While this is mostly supported, disagreement underscores the ongoing debates over balancing Second Amendment rights and public safety concerns.

You can read more about this here >
Pennsylvania, United States
Some of these rules are a result of people failing to use their common sense. Naturally, your neighbors don't want a loud gun range to pop up next door. The enjoyment of your Second Amendment rights is limiting your neighbor's right to the quiet enjoyment of their property.
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court's ruling in favor of Stroud Township's ordinance on shooting ranges certainly carries significant consequences. It mandates permits for indoor and outdoor ranges, restricting their locations and operational hours. Even though this will promote public safety, it will certainly spark debates on the delicate balance between Second Amendment rights and community concerns.
This was the right call in my opinion. People can be stupid when it comes to firing guns, and it should be at a designated location like a firing range, unless you're a hunter out hunting.

I think firing ranges should be far away from any buildings where people congregate, especially homes. I think it's mostly to do with public safety, because I've known people who shoot off guns near their homes, thinking it's within their right. Someone who lived near me would shoot into the woods behind their house, even though there are many houses nearby. I'm pretty sure it's illegal here to be shooting guns off in any public areas.

Some of these rules are a result of people failing to use their common sense. Naturally, your neighbors don't want a loud gun range to pop up next door. The enjoyment of your Second Amendment rights is limiting your neighbor's right to the quiet enjoyment of their property.
This right here. I agree with you 100%.
Here in Michigan you can't shoot guns near properties or within city limits, or something along those lines. I believe here you can shoot guns on private property, as long as you're not within city limits or as long as there are no nearby homes or structures.

Setting up a gun range for this sort of thing is a great alternative to people going out and shooting wherever they want to. It's just safer all around this way.

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