What qualifies as a recreational event?


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Feb 20, 2024
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I know that many permitting obligations are determined by the event's location, but is there a general idea of what might qualify as a recreational event in the first place?
United States
I know that many permitting obligations are determined by the event's location, but is there a general idea of what might qualify as a recreational event in the first place?
Good question. I think a recreational event is a pretty broad term. It could refer to a sporting event, a festival in your city, a fair, and maybe even concerts. It could also refer to town wide events like the previously mentioned fairs/festivals, but also could include something as simple as a town wide cookout, holding your own parties and so on.

I think a lot of that would quality as a recreational event.
To me, recreational events could refer to; local sporting events (pro, college, high school, etc), outdoor concerts/plays/comedy shows, festivals, charity events, seasonal celebrations (Christmas, Halloween, Etc), entertainment in general, cookouts, and more. I think the majority of those would count as a recreational event. But I'm sure I'm missing a lot of others.
A recreational event consist of various activities performed for leisure and enjoyment. This includes but is not limited to sports competitions, outdoor adventures such as hiking or camping, cultural festivals, and community gatherings like picnics or fairs. Organizing recreational events is also subject to various kinds of permitting laws.

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