Where California is cutting the red tape when it comes to buying solar.


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Jul 9, 2023
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If you are looking to install solar panels and you live or have properties in California, you will be pleased to know that there is some good news for you!

California is going through a process which will allow the permitting process for residential solar and storage systems to be instantly automated. This will be mandated by the Solar Access Act. This is being made possible by using software that is free such as SolarAPP+, Symbium and other jurisdication-specific software. This process will aim to not only simplify the permitting process but also simplify the permitting process which will make the installation of solar more affordable and accessible.

This is going to be something that many will be happy to hear as going solar in California is reportedly twice as expensive when compared to other developed regions.

Bigger counties and cities have until September 30th 2023 to comply with this act and those who are in smaller cities will have until September 30, 2024.

You can read more about this here
California, United States
It's great that California is taking the lead at the state level in mandating that local jurisdictions adopt the software-based permitting efficiencies described in the article. I agree you probably do need a top-down approach to make something like this really effective since you'd want some level of consistency in requiring implementation of a specific software approach across California's 100-200+ different city/county jurisdictions.
The move towards instant automation of the permitting process for residential solar and storage systems in California is fantastic news for homeowners and property owners in the state. The Solar Access Act's mandate, along with the use of free software like SolarAPP+ and Symbium, is a significant step towards simplifying and streamlining solar installation procedures. It not only makes solar more affordable but also enhances accessibility. Given that California's solar costs have been relatively high, this initiative is long overdue and should help drive wider adoption of clean energy. Kudos to the state for this progressive move!
California has taken significant steps to reduce bureaucratic barriers and streamline the process of buying solar in the state. Several initiatives have been implemented to make it easier for Californians to adopt solar energy. This includes the Solar Rights Act.

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