My sister sadly passed away after a long battle with cancer. She wanted her ashes scattered at Yellowstone, a family vacation spot that holds many dear memories for her family. I figured we'd need a permit to carry out her wishes so I contacted the hotline. They put me in touch with the National Park Service so I could obtain a Special Use Permit.
I was able to do it all online. I had to fill out a form, which the office then mailed to me to sign. The best part is that I didn't have to pay a cent until I knew that our request was granted and we could obtain the permit. In my experience, most other places charge you up front, whether the permit is approved or not, so this really stood out to me. The office included a thoughtful sympathy note as well. The turnaround time was fast -- less than a week! You can't beat that kind of service. I miss my sister, but there's peace in knowing that she's been laid to rest where she had some of her happiest moments.