Recent content by Jeff

  1. J

    Does your permitting office have a "performance culture"?

    We really don't have a reward system for performance. Someone receiving "Meets Expectations" on an evaluation will get the same step increase as someone who receives "Outstanding". Performing well may help in the future when it comes time for promotions but its not a guarantee. There are some of...
  2. J


    In 2020-2021 we allowed some office staff to work from home since City Hall was closed. We actually had some staff that requested to work in the office ( wanted to get out of the house :) ) When we ultimately opened City Hall back up, there was a push by some employees to remain at home but that...
  3. J

    Pre-Manufactured Self Water Vending Structure

    I vote for Utility/Misc.
  4. J

    Concert permit granted without community consent

    Most likely the issuance of the permit for the concert was just administrative and did not require public input.
  5. J

    Customer service surveys

    We used to send out a customer satisfaction survey with every permit that was issued. We rarely received them back and have since stopped sending them.
  6. J

    Going up the ladder as a permit tech

    We have Tech I's & II's. The Tech II's create permits for more complicated projects and do some plan review. We also have a Permit Supervisor that oversees the techs. We don't have a Sr Tech position yet but would like to in the future. From my experience, the larger cities have more opportunity...
  7. J

    Busy season

    We usually get busier right after tax season and that carries thru to November. It slows down slightly in December.
  8. J

    Temporary power permit home renovation - California

    You will need to contact SCE directly to get a MSR# (Meter Service Request) for the temp power pole. Another option is to hire a temp power company to handle all the approvals, permits, pole installation and removal.
  9. J

    Tips for supervisors?

    I make an effort to talk with my employees throughout the week. We don't always talk about work, sometimes there are issues in their life that they are struggling with and just need to vent. The supervisors and managers I have seen fail, have lorded over their staff and seemed to have forgotten...
  10. J

    Solar Refund

    We have a written policy of allowing an 80% refund if no inspections have been performed and the permit is still active ( not expired). The applicant must submit a refund request and the refund is only issued to the person who paid for the permit. 20% is retained for staff processing costs.
  11. J

    Gifts to permitting staff

    Any food items must be shared with all staff. Alcohol gifts are not allowed at all. If a gift card was given anonymously, we would most likely raffle it off to the everyone at City Hall. I do like the idea of using it for a staff function. Heck a couple boxes of donuts nowadays would equal $50...
  12. J

    What is your building permit turn-around time?

    We routinely take 2 weeks for simple projects while more complicated projects may take 3-4 weeks. I instruct my staff to be upfront at the beginning of a project regarding review times so the customer isn't calling us out of frustration after one week.
  13. J

    What is your opinion on all-electric ADUs?

    The current CA energy code requires all the electrical to be run to easily convert to all electric ( laundry, stove, water heater...)
  14. J

    Applying for a fence permit

    If you live in an incorporated city you would obtain a permit from the city. If you live in an unincorporated area of a county you would get the permit from the county. Some cities/counties don't require permits for fences less than 6-7 ft in height, so I would recommend reaching out to verify...
  15. J

    About those "Fire Rated" ceiling light cans.

    We require electrical plans for all ADU's, JADU's, SF additions, new SFRs and even kitchen/bath remodels, so it is easy for us to catch prior to permit issuance.