Search results

  1. nfacciolo

    Certificate of Completion

    Ours say "Certificate of Completion/Occupancy".. I can email you a copy of ours if you'd like! :)
  2. nfacciolo

    ICC Certified Zoning Inspector?

    Hi All! I am currently only ICC certified as a Property Maintenance and Housing Inspector but I am looking into the Zoning Inspector certification as well. Is anyone else a certified Zoning Inspector? If so, was the exam hard at all? I am still learning everything with zoning and planning so...
  3. nfacciolo

    What is your building permit turn-around time?

    Simple permits take 1-3 days to be approved. If any permits need review from the Planning Commission or Board of Adjustment, it could take weeks.
  4. nfacciolo

    Hello from Delaware! :)

    Hi All! I am the Code Enforcement Supervisor for my 1 square mile Town and the only person able to do Pre-Rental Inspections as well. I am currently ICC certified in the IPMC but working on Zoning Inspector as well as studying the IRC to become a Residential Building Inspector. I look forward to...