Certificate of Completion


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Feb 14, 2024
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Good Morning,
I'm looking for a Certificate of Completion template that other municipalities might be using. Our municipality has no record of never issuing one.
Has anybody issued one?
United States
We have a Certificate of Occupancy, not completion....I'd be happy to email you a template if that's similar to what you're looking for?
USACE Regulatory requires that permittees submit a "Certificate of Compliance." The certification is a super basic one-page form in which the permittee documents that they completed the work in accordance with the permit terms and conditions. It can be downloaded here: https://www.publications.usace.army.mil/Portals/76/Eng_Form_6285_2024 Dec FINAL.pdf

Not sure if this is helpful for what your department is seeking but maybe it could serve as a starting place.
And that should be the last of the red tape, I would imagine.

Thank you for the link. This is one of those things that's good to have for no specific reason other than to have it.
I have attached a recent Certificate of Completion for solar. It was needed for their rebates. We always issue a Certificate of Completion on shell buildings with a condition that a tenant improvement permit will be required for occupancy.


we use a certificate of occupancy ( CO ) for structures and a certificate of approval ( COA ) for all other projects.
Ours say "Certificate of Completion/Occupancy".. I can email you a copy of ours if you'd like! :)