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  1. Seven Out

    The Business of Politics

    I couldn't find any specifics online, so I'm asking here. When people post signs on street corners, business lawns and personal lawns, do they need a permit to do so? I know that billboards require permits, but what about all the signs that make everything look ugly that advertise political...
  2. Seven Out

    How do businesses get permits to install utility infrastructure?

    Remember that tunnel that Elon Musk wanted to build between California and Las Vegas? I wonder if that's possible with people instead of cars. If it is, the question would then be whether you need a permit to dig and build that kind of system under undeveloped land. Like a desert.
  3. Seven Out

    New Bills Aim to End Cap on Street Vendor Permits in New York

    After reading the article, it looks like many bills are packaged as one. Pork sandwich, anyone? I am confused, though. Why would they lift the amount of permits that can be issued while decriminalizing the act of street vending? Without the extra bill, would even vending with a permit be illegal?
  4. Seven Out

    Los Angeles Faces Dwindling Housing Approvals Amidst Economic Challenges

    California needs to focus on the realities of the situation, crime, and pricing, and leave the analyzing alone. Real world problems require real world solutions.
  5. Seven Out

    The Role of a Structural Engineer

    During the course of my work, I've learned that there are instances where a structural engineer is needed to assess a building first so other contractors, like electricians, can know in which way they need to proceed with work. Has anyone here ever needed one? If so, how did it work out for...
  6. Seven Out

    Why Puerto Rico Is Adding ‘USA’ to Its Driver’s Licenses

    Being an American has its advantages, but they have only been halfway there for decades. Somewhere between being their own country and being a state. I think it's time for Puerto Rico to become a full-fledged state with all the benefits that come with it.
  7. Seven Out

    Before you scatter those ashes

    Today I learned. But there are so many areas where we can scatter ashes that no one would ever know unless you tell them. I can understand National Parks requiring this, but if you own 100 acres out in the sticks, you're not going to bother with a permit.
  8. Seven Out

    Pulling Your Own Permits

    Electrical contractors, especially with an ROC, charge for time and labor. Since it takes both to fill out a permit, you will pay for that and the cost of the permit. So yes, you can save money by doing it yourself. If the contractor also comes out to meet the electrical utility company that...
  9. Seven Out

    US Appeals Court has invalidated the Nuclear Waste Storage Permit for Texas

    If nuclear power is so safe, why are people against the storage of the waste? What exactly is it that they need to dump, and how does that differ from the process of making nuclear power?