US Appeals Court has invalidated the Nuclear Waste Storage Permit for Texas


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Jul 9, 2023
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On Friday, August 26th, a permit and license that had been issued back in 2021 to Interim Storage Partners LLC who are a project developer but this past Friday, the permit was invalidated by the US Appeal Court.

This permit had initially been asked for and granted back in 2021 to allow them to build a temporary nuclear storage waste facility in Western Texas.

Texas Governor Greg Abbot was against the license and permit in 2021 saying that he was not going to allow Texas to be the dumping ground for America's nuclear waste. It seems this past week Abbot got his wish and the license and permit were revoked.

You can read more about the invalidated permit here
United States
Noticed that the opposing parties (Texas and Texas oil and gas interests) were arguing that the nuclear waste storage facility "would be dangerous to build in one of the nation's largest oil basins." I guess the fear here was radioactive oil??

That aside, this seems to be a case of the courts stepping in and making the permit process even more difficult. I mean, of course no one's going to want a nuclear waste facility anywhere near them...all in all, I can't think of a better argument for streamlining renewables permitting than seeing Texas debate the disposal of nuclear waste in oil fields.
It's interesting that the article brings up the fact that the initial permit broke the law...

"a license for that kind of a facility also conflicts with a U.S. law called the Nuclear Waste Policy Act, which prioritizes permanent storage solutions and otherwise allows temporary storage of nuclear waste only at reactors themselves or at federal sites."

We have safety laws for a reason, so why was this permit allowed in the first place that was against the Nuclear Waste Policy Act? Was it out of ignorance or interference by the facility? Did money change hands to make it happen? Those are questions I'd love to see answered.
The US Appeal Court's decision to invalidate the permit for the temporary nuclear storage waste facility in Western Texas represents a victory for Texas Governor Greg Abbott. While concerns about becoming a nuclear waste dumping ground are legitimate, this case highlights the intricate balance between economic development and environmental responsibility.
If nuclear power is so safe, why are people against the storage of the waste? What exactly is it that they need to dump, and how does that differ from the process of making nuclear power?
I'm completely in support and backing the decision of the Texas Governor Greg because it's the right thing to do. There's no way it's going to be in the best interest of the people of Texas to have their State being used as a dumping ground for America's nuclear waste. There are so many dangers to it that's going to last long for its effects to clear out.
I agree with Gregg Abbott's views. He has rightly opposed the plan for nuclear waste storage. He has clearly shown his concern that he would not let Texas become "America's nuclear waste dumping ground."

Different studies prove that nuclear wastes produce harmful radiations. It also contaminates the environment and can cause serious health issues during its direct exposure.
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When managing waste, especially something like nuclear waste, I believe it should be managed where it is generated. I do not think it is appropriate to dumb waste in other places. I think revoking of permit shows that even the law does not agree that a random place should not be used as a dumping ground.

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