Applying for a fence permit


Active member
Sep 7, 2024
I want to renovate my fences to use PVC. The height should be around 5 feet, but I think some parts of the fences may be taller than the rest. Where should I go to apply for the permit, the state or the county?
United States
If you live in an incorporated city you would obtain a permit from the city. If you live in an unincorporated area of a county you would get the permit from the county. Some cities/counties don't require permits for fences less than 6-7 ft in height, so I would recommend reaching out to verify if a permit is required.
Remember to check the property line and notify your neighbors if the fence is shared. You can also confirm with the office if your neighbors need to provide legal documents to support your permit.
Thank you for all your responses. I'm not too worried about my neighbors as the fence is not shared. The property line is more concerning, so I will clarify with the office directly.
Not sure where you are located, but Los Angeles City does not require a permit for vinyl, wood, or metal fences. Only block walls over 42" require a permit. So I would check with your local Building department to clarify what they require.
In San Marcos, CA, where I'm at, fences up to 6 feet in height don't require permitting. My neighbor and I hired a contractor to replace our shared fence this summer and went with a 6-foot vinyl fence, no permitting necessary. Interesting to hear that LA is a bit less restrictive with the height, though I can't imagine wanting a fence higher than 6 feet anyway.
Yeah, in LA you can go 8ft high on a lot that is at least 50ft wide.

Gotcha. I can imagine needing a little more height in the city, where you're more likely to have numerous neighboring apartments/residences around you, not to mention noise. I'm in a suburban tract development with lower population density...for me, going above 6 feet wouldn't add much, if anything, in terms of privacy/noise reduction.