Building Department called a meeting


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Aug 11, 2024
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I submitted my plans, including the permit applications, the materials list, and the blueprints, for a renovation project in California City. The scope of work involves turning the top floor of a boutique into a living space for the new owners. They'll continue to run their business on the first floor, while the second story will become their permanent family home. It's a complicated renovation, but nothing I haven't seen before.

I thought the application process was fairly straightforward. I made a rookie mistake, though. I didn't keep a copy of the application for my files. So when the Building Department called me today to request a meeting, I had nothing to refer back to which might explain why. I emailed the department to ask for clarification, but I was basically told that even though my application looked okay, they still had some questions for me that were best discussed in person rather than over the phone.

Unfortunately, the earliest they could meet is two weeks from now. I don't want to stew over this application and overthink it, so can you please help me guess what might've happened? What are some reasons that a Building Department would call such a meeting? I have to admit that this is a first for me.
California, United States
Most likely they want clarification and may have concerns ( exiting, structural, fire separation...) which are better discussed in person while reviewing the plans with you.
Well, they've pushed the meeting back, so I'll be waiting a while to find out. I just hope no one has objected to my project. I believe I filled out the application thoroughly, but you could be right, Jeff. That's what I'm hoping for, at least.
I hope there were no serious issues with your proposal, Cass. Did they ask you to bring some additional documents for the meeting? That could be a sign.

I look forward to hearing your updates about the meeting.
Most likely just clarifications. If there was a fatal flaw in the plans, they would have jsut denied the permit. Sounds like they are trying to work with you, but need a bit more information.
If owners are living upstairs it has to be zoned for mixed use and the two uses have to be separated by fire rated construction.
Thanks for checking up on my project and for offering more tips! I love that this is such a supportive community. I had my meeting last week and forgot to update you all because it was so anticlimactic. In this jurisdiction, you have to use craftsmen from the city's preapproved list. Well, the one I selected recently had his license suspended because his insurance ran out. I have no idea why the permitting office didn't just tell me that over the phone or through email.
It does feel anticlimactic to delay you for almost a month for something like that, but I'm glad there was nothing wrong with the plan. I hope you have already found someone else and received the permit to start building. Good luck with your project!

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