City Permitting Probe Raises Concerns of Misconduct and Corruption in New Orleans


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Aug 26, 2023
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A woman named Jennifer Cecil, who was investigating possible wrongdoing in New Orleans’ Safety and Permits Department, was after complaints were made to the Mayor. It is believed that the Mayor could have been influenced by a businessman. This issue has caught the attention of federal investigators who want to know more about why she was fired. They are under impression that there might be some misuse of power or corruption happening in the city's permit system. This situation has triggered a debate about the fairness the permitting process is in New Orleans.

If you want to learn more, you can read here.
New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
New Orleans is known for having corrupt city officials. Sadly, it's been like that for ages. Maybe they should put a large committee in charge of permitting. If nothing else, it would be more difficult to bribe that many folks.
I figured we'd have an update by now, but I can't find more recent news about the scandal than what was already shared in this thread. I have to say that it doesn't look good for the mayor.
Sounds like there is some definite misconduct here. She found what looks like some good proof against them. I imagine she has a fairly open and shut case right?

I figured we'd have an update by now, but I can't find more recent news about the scandal than what was already shared in this thread. I have to say that it doesn't look good for the mayor.
I hope an update comes out soon. And yeah, the mayor looks to be in some serious trouble.
I can see this being an end to his Mayoral duties or shall I say his Mayoral job. It's not a good look to fire someone to appease some rich business man.

I wonder if there is more of this behind closed doors. If he did this for someone, there's a chance he has done this to other people to get ahead.

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