Director's / Administrative Interpretations

Emily C

Well-known member
Jan 17, 2024
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hey everyone!
I'm wondering if your jurisdiction has a form for the public to use to request a director's interpretation of something in the municipal code. I was asked to create one and would love to see what one looks like before I get started. So far, the jurisdiction I reached out to has said that it's done via an email request - so not too formal at all!

Please show me what you've got!
You can respond here or email me directly -
Much appreciated!
United States
hey everyone!
I'm wondering if your jurisdiction has a form for the public to use to request a director's interpretation of something in the municipal code. I was asked to create one and would love to see what one looks like before I get started. So far, the jurisdiction I reached out to has said that it's done via an email request - so not too formal at all!

Please show me what you've got!
You can respond here or email me directly -
Much appreciated!
I wish I had a copy for you, but I am long out of that department as Director. We used a variance application and included a check box for an admnistrative interpretation. When I made determinations, I wanted the same level of detail that was provided on the variance request, almost 90% of the time. There were always those small easy deviations, I could approve by email, but for the most part I wrote simple reports justifying the deviation or intrepration from code. We also charged a fee, which as I recall was $500 for the interpreation, which usually never covered my time of my staffs time.

Think about the process as a "variance light" type of an application when you move forward. Think about what info you will want, and how you will have to defend the decision down the line. The details do matter, otherwise these determinations can come back to bite the directors.

Good luck!
I wish I had a copy for you, but I am long out of that department as Director. We used a variance application and included a check box for an admnistrative interpretation. When I made determinations, I wanted the same level of detail that was provided on the variance request, almost 90% of the time. There were always those small easy deviations, I could approve by email, but for the most part I wrote simple reports justifying the deviation or intrepration from code. We also charged a fee, which as I recall was $500 for the interpreation, which usually never covered my time of my staffs time.

Think about the process as a "variance light" type of an application when you move forward. Think about what info you will want, and how you will have to defend the decision down the line. The details do matter, otherwise these determinations can come back to bite the directors.

Good luck!
I will add that I was a director in the PNW (Saw that on your profile). These determinations will have to be published in Washington and there is a timeframe that they can be challenged. Check with your legal department on that front. Not all states require posting and the availabilty, but I am pretty sure everywhere in Washington does.
It's informal here as well. Someone shoots an email asking for a code interpretation, the director looks at the issue and gives a response in writing, and if the person isn't happy with the answer, it's addressed by appealing to the planning commission.
I found a decent resource that lays out the requirements for an interpretation and how to go about requesting one here. Maybe you could use some the language to draft your own form.