Inspector Parker here to help if I can.

May 23, 2024
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I'm with LADBS working as a residential inspector. I'm with the Code Enforcement division at the moment and am available to help with some questions people may have on codes or permitting and processes. If I don't know the answer I'll do my best to find out. As an employee I can share public information only. I may be delayed in responses since I work a very busy schedule, but will do my best to address everyone.
Hi Inspector Parker - thanks for joining Permitting Talk! When it comes to answering permitting questions on a forum like ours, there's really no substitute to having experienced permitting staff like yourself make themselves available to the community. FYI, I myself am based out of San Diego and process Clean Water Act permits for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District.

You mentioned you're a residential building inspector. Did you want me to go ahead and add the ICC Residential Building Inspector username badge for you (i.e., We've been adding ICC digital badges, among other organizational/professional certification badges, next to usernames of members who hold those credentials as a way of highlighting different members' qualifications.
Good morning Eric,

Sure you can add the badge if you'd like. Helps identify that I may know what I'm talking about. ;-) Thank you for the "Welcome" to the site and I hope to contribute.
Badge added :). Look forward to chatting with you on the forum.
I'm with LADBS working as a residential inspector. I'm with the Code Enforcement division at the moment and am available to help with some questions people may have on codes or permitting and processes. If I don't know the answer I'll do my best to find out.
Fantastic! That's incredibly generous of you, Inspector Parker. May I ask what's the main thing that trips homeowners up during their home inspection? Also, which building code is most often overlooked during the application process, thus leading to a denial?

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