Maricopa County Planning and Development Department

Starting Maricopa County Planning and Development Department off with a 3/5 rating based on Yelp reviews (
The Maricopa County Planning and Development Department has been reviewed on Yelp. The review is mixed, with positive reviews as well as negative reviews. One person thinks that the department is great and fast, especially for small projects. But another person is upset because he had to follow strict checklists and make unnecessary trips.

Some people have positive experiences. One person says Maricopa County is super helpful and quick, especially for businesses across different states. Someone else is unhappy because the department takes a long time to review plans and doesn't respond well, making their project more expensive.

Interestingly, some people remarked that the wait is long and the staff are very unhelpful. One particular reviewer explained that he had to make his own site plan for a permit and felt frustrated with the bureaucratic process and lack of guidance.

These reviews show that the department can be very different for each person, from fast and helpful to slow and full of rules.
I thought making your own site plan was par for the course? Who else would be qualified to make one?

Reviews are only good for getting a sense of what people are talking about. You have to have your own experiences to determine if they are helpful to you personally or not.