PA lawmaker seeks to revoke concealed carry permits for people bringing loaded guns to airport


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2023
I wouldn't want people without permits to have a concealed gun in their possession, especially while at an airport of all places. Pennsylvania state lawyer, Rep. Dan Frankel is in agreement, as he is looking to revoke concealed carry permits for those who're caught with guns at TSA checkpoints. He argues that many people forget about said guns being in their carry-on bags, and it's been a significant problem in airports where it's been creating a lot of delays and disruptions.

An excuse often given as to why there is a gun, is that they just forgot they brought it. Which is why Mr. Frankel wants to increase the penalties for such incidents.

The problem continues though, even with the various signs and checkpoints plastered around the airport stating the exact rules. They have also increased the fines over the years, but it doesn't look to be working.

If the proposed bill gets passed, it would automatically revoke ones concealed carry permit if they are caught with a loaded gun in any of their carry on bags. The bill is still in its beginning stages, but has a lot of interest on it so far. Mr. Frankel believes that this measure would help stop people from making said mistake and hopes people pay more attention to what they are doing with their firearms.

Do you agree with this move? I imagine some aren't too pleased about this type of decision landing right on revoking said permit, but I think people get enough warnings already, they should know by now that owning a gun is a serious thing and you need to follow the rules.

Read more about this news here - Yahoo
Pennsylvania, United States
The fact people still forget they brought a weapon to the airport is crazy to me. How do you forget you have a gun? I would never let it get to that point. If I owned any guns, they'd be in a gun safe at home.

I bet this doesn't do enough to stop it though. I think the only way to stop this, is to take the gun away. Maybe put them on a probationary period again before they can get their hands on their gun again.
The fact people still forget they brought a weapon to the airport is crazy to me. How do you forget you have a gun? I would never let it get to that point. If I owned any guns, they'd be in a gun safe at home.

I bet this doesn't do enough to stop it though. I think the only way to stop this, is to take the gun away. Maybe put them on a probationary period again before they can get their hands on their gun again.
You would think it's priority to remember you have a loaded weapon in your bags. If I was ever traveling and had a firearm, I simply wouldn't take it. Why are guns even with them to begin with if they intend to travel via airplane?

I think it could help, especially revoking their permit, but what if they still bring the gun to the airport again and repeat the process? I think if it's a repeat offense, they should lose their guns at some point. That should be the exact strict rules people have to follow if they make dumb mistakes like this.