Proposal for Monarch Butterfly to be Classified as Threatened


Nov 17, 2024
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has proposed listing the monarch butterfly as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and is seeking public comments until March 12, 2025. The proposal includes protections and critical habitat designation, particularly for the western migratory population in California. This initiative aims to conserve monarchs facing habitat loss, pesticide exposure, and climate change. For more details and to submit comments, visit FWS Monarch Butterfly Page.
United States
Thanks for bringing that up, RavenGirl56. Sadly, the fires in California have made a lasting negative impact on migratory insects, especially the Monarch Butterfly. It could be years before they fully recover. I hope the proposal goes through.
Thanks for the update. Monarchs are common enough in SoCal that I imagine we'll be consulting on them quite a bit.

Is it just me or does it seem like proposed ESA listings increased during the Biden administration? Over the past couple years, our district has had new critical habitat proposed for green sea turtle and longfin smelt. USFWS also recently proposed listing western pond turtle as threatened. It seems like we've gone years without new ESA-protected species/critical habitat and we're now suddenly seeing a small surge in proposed listings.
Thanks for the update. Monarchs are common enough in SoCal that I imagine we'll be consulting on them quite a bit.

Is it just me or does it seem like proposed ESA listings increased during the Biden administration? Over the past couple years, our district has had new critical habitat proposed for green sea turtle and longfin smelt. USFWS also recently proposed listing western pond turtle as threatened. It seems like we've gone years without new ESA-protected species/critical habitat and we're now suddenly seeing a small surge in proposed listings.
You're not wrong. The Biden administration put in extensive efforts to get the US on track with respect to environmental protection. Specifically to the ESA, I found an article from NPR that pretty much validates your observation and explains it.

Trump's first order of business in his new term has been overturning everything Biden did. The following article from AP Press discusses some of the recent changes. I wouldn't be surprise if the previous protections are rapidly revoked.

Thanks for bringing that up, RavenGirl56. Sadly, the fires in California have made a lasting negative impact on migratory insects, especially the Monarch Butterfly. It could be years before they fully recover. I hope the proposal goes through.
It's not looking good. The current administration believes the ESA is outdated, inefficient and an impairment to the current "national energy emergency" i.e. it makes drilling on U.S. soil more difficult.

I'm saddened to hear the fires have had a negative impact on migratory insects. Hopefully there is some other way to help protect and restore important pollinators like the monarch butterfly. I'm thinking a Johnny-Appleseed for Milkweed movement could be a way to combat negative effects on the individual level.
It's the little things like this that, when looked at collectively, make people see the importance of every animal, plant and insect. Together, they help make the ecosystem what it is and everything should be allowed to grow and thrive.