Restaurant owners in Utah are happy due to the state new digital liquor permitting


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Jul 9, 2023
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Restaurant owners in Utah are now very happy due to an announcement made about a new digital liquor permit that could save businesses from having to close.

So many businesses in Utah have ended up having to close their businesses due to the delay of liquor permits reaching them before their deadline is due. This has been due to the mail system and how slowly permits were moving through the mail system. Things such as lost packages or even a clerical error would cause permits to not get to businesses on time forcing them to have no choice but to close their business.

Now with the new digital liquor permit process, there will be no issues with delayed permits or anything becoming lost or misplaced resulting in them not getting their permits before the deadline they were issued.

You can read more about the new digital liquor permitting in Utah and how it will not help so many businesses here
United States
It's great that these business owners can now rely on getting their alcohol permits as soon as possible and don't have to worry about their businesses being shut down! I can imagine it must have been a nightmare when they had to fill out forms, and wait for a physical permit to come in the mail.
The liquor business is one that shouldn't need a lot of delays before the business owners should get a permit to operate. The thing is that a lot of people will want to buy these liquors (I drink too), and finding out that your favorite spot closed because of permit issues can be crazy. So, I am glad that the issues with getting a liquor permits in Utah has been fixed. So, it is now easier and better for those into the business to get their liquor permits.
A restaurant that sells liquor needs their alcohol permits to be in business, otherwise they would be forced to shutdown. This have been the case of many restaurants in Utah that couldn't get their permits and they were forced to close up shop. But it's a good thing that it's something that's been sorted out with the announcement made about a new digital liquor permit. Now, it's going to be very easy to secure the permits digitally with less paper work required.
I don't drink, so I believe there should be strict restrictions on alcohol permits. Since there is a legal age for drinking, it is understandable there should be also strict permits regarding alcohol sales. However, the businesses that have already fulfilled the requirements for selling alcohol should be given permits as soon as possible. It is nice that permits can now be obtained in Utah through digital platforms.
Same here. I don't drink, and I don't support its sale because it's forbidden in my religion due to its harmful effects on a person's mental and physical health, behavior, and overall life.
The introduction of a new digital liquor permit system in Utah is a boon for restaurant owners, eliminating the issues related to delayed or lost permits, safeguarding businesses from unwarranted closures.
The introduction of a new digital liquor permit system in Utah is a boon for restaurant owners, eliminating the issues related to delayed or lost permits, safeguarding businesses from unwarranted closures.

Yeah, that's very correct. The introduction of a new digital liquor permit system in Utah is definitely a new development that's going to enable restaurant owners in Utah take advantage of their business and grasp all the opportunities that comes their way. Businesses are expected to be enhanced by the the government and not stampede it.

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