Recent content by Overtime

  1. Overtime

    Lee Zeldin as EPA head

    I understand your concern, but we've gotten so bogged down with rules and regulations that they're often too prohibitively expensive and complicated to follow. It just leads to a bunch of lawsuits.
  2. Overtime

    Director's / Administrative Interpretations

    I found a decent resource that lays out the requirements for an interpretation and how to go about requesting one here. Maybe you could use some the language to draft your own form.
  3. Overtime

    Building permit self-certification program

    I think this is where I stand, too. I'd take the gamble if the developer, builder, or other professional remained liable for the outcome, but no way would I risk it when liability rests on the homeowner's shoulders. Just imagine how much it would cost to start all over because of a tiny error...
  4. Overtime

    Permits For Feeding Homeless.

    Where I live, it's fairly easy to get a Large Group Food Distribution Permit, but the kicker is that you have to renew the permit each time you use it. For some charities, that means renewing it every day. Needless to say, it's unsustainable. To me, it looks like every large to mid-sized...
  5. Overtime

    What to do when a non-permitted vehicle is parked near your apartment/property?

    I'm with Nomad on this one. I'd start by contacting the landlord, especially if it's a professionally run outfit. The landlord won't be happy with that going on. The truck adds pollution to the area and makes the common space look junky, which won't look good to potential renters. Let the...
  6. Overtime

    Always reach out to 811 before you dig? Really?

    @Eric, that looks like a nice piece of equipment, and I'm sure it's handy, but it's way out of my price range. I can see why your dad made the leap, since it has great reviews. I ended up calling, and it wasn't as big a hassle as I originally thought it would be. My yard was marked the next...
  7. Overtime

    Importance of waiting for a permit

    The best case scenario in that situation is that he'll receive a fine. The worst case scenario will likely mean he's hit with a lawsuit. What foolish advice. I know the Redditor is dealing with a difficult yard, but he could probably make it work by clearing one of his hills and using...
  8. Overtime

    Civil Rights And The Homeless

    Statistics show that many of us are just two missed paychecks away from homelessness ourselves. I see it as a result of poverty rather than choice. I'm not sure how to fix the situation, though. Remember when tiny homes were thought to be a key towards ending homelessness? Well, it turns out...
  9. Overtime

    League City cracks down on door-to-door solicitation with strict permit requirements

    Has that actually worked, Jake? I've thought about displaying one of those signs, but I figured they'd just ignore it. Maybe I've been too hasty to give up on a simple solution before giving it a try. Will this new rule affect those who go door-to-door evangelizing? I sure hope so.
  10. Overtime

    New concealed carry law will allow 18-year-olds to have guns without permit starting Fourth of July

    It's silly. You aren't trusted to buy or consumer alcohol, but here's a gun you can carry around. It doesn't make sense. I'm beginning to think that some politicians are pushing these laws for shock value, or maybe to appeal to the extremists that make up their base.
  11. Overtime

    Online Portals

    Unless you're seeking a federal permit, I believe they're mostly state specific. I have noticed, however, that a few states use the same template. I'd say that probably comes down to their website software.
  12. Overtime

    Always reach out to 811 before you dig? Really?

    I've known about the 811 system for years, thanks to their savvy messaging. However, I thought their slogan — Call Before You Dig — related to heavy construction work with excavation machines and other earth moving equipment. Well, I just learned today that it also applies to simple gardening...
  13. Overtime

    Backlog of Honolulu Building Permits Taking Toll on Revenues

    In my opinion, I believe they've they'd be better served by investing in better training and hiring more staff. There are some things that technology and modernization just won't fix.
  14. Overtime

    Geothermal Power Plants

    I don't remember all the permitting requirements exactly, but I recall that they're pretty extensive. The regulatory body generally looks at everything from how the waterways are affected, to how such a project will affect the whole community, and everything in between. It can get really intense.
  15. Overtime

    City Permitting Probe Raises Concerns of Misconduct and Corruption in New Orleans

    I figured we'd have an update by now, but I can't find more recent news about the scandal than what was already shared in this thread. I have to say that it doesn't look good for the mayor.