Recent content by Winny

  1. Winny

    New concealed carry law will allow 18-year-olds to have guns without permit starting Fourth of July

    I don't know how I feel about this. I believe 18 year old's should still have to file a permit in order to conceal carry a gun, but it seems like there will be a new rules taking affect starting July 4th. Those aged 18 and up, will be able to conceal carry their guns without a permits. As long...
  2. Winny

    Norway to award seabed exploration permits in 2025

    I do wonder if they can collect artifacts found under water, or if they can only mine for the minerals that is present in the area. The article doesn't specify if they can collect anything else that would be deemed rare or a treasure or anything, but that would be cool if they somehow found some...
  3. Winny

    First Building Permit from County Recovery Permit Center Issued to Lahaina Couple

    Right? I think it's a great movie by the city and state to better support those effected by the fires, especially those who've lost their whole home and property. I wish more communities came together like this to help those in need.
  4. Winny

    Missouri hunters can now use drones to track wounded deer, turkey but at increased permit costs

    I have a feeling more hunters will start to utilize drones for finding their kills easier. Or even to track their hunts. As for the pricing, I think it's fair all around. I don't think the prices even jumped that high, did they? I'm going to have to check the rules/prices in Michigan now. I...
  5. Winny

    Do you need a permit to collect rainwater in Michigan?

    That's good to know. I've always wanted to save on water and start collecting rain water. I could see myself using it for drinking water and even the bathe in or use for gardening. Or just about anything really. Plus, I know there are a lot of people starting to collect rain water, especially...
  6. Winny

    Getting a liquor license

    I don't know the rules when it comes to obtaining a liquor license. I could see some weird requirements for it though, like not having an establishment near a school or major park, or something. I could see that being a rule in some areas. I could also see the state having strict rules about...
  7. Winny

    Importance of waiting for a permit

    Yeah definitely don't go and build it. There's a reason they declined it. If they can take care of the easement, I'm sure they can reapply for the permit to build the shed. I also don't buy supplies until my permit is confirmed and ready to go. Always wait for the permit to clear before doing...
  8. Winny

    Norway to award seabed exploration permits in 2025

    If you're interested in mining the seabed near Norway, you may be in luck. Norway will be issuing exploration permits for Arctic seabed mining. The area they can mine is up to 386 blocks and is only 38% of what was approved for mining by parliament. Those approved will be able to mine by start...
  9. Winny

    Unpermitted ADUs a growing issue in Bay Area

    Yeah if they don't charge a lot, I can accept that. But I do feel there will be people who will rent these tiny homes out to people who can pay more for renting them. But if they make it affordable to people in need, that's what I'd like to see. Affordable housing is what these ADUs should be...
  10. Winny

    Backlog of Honolulu Building Permits Taking Toll on Revenues

    Streamlining the process is ideal. Especially if there are so many waiting for permits to clear. It's good to see they're trying to do the needed work to improve on the overall experience and service though. They need to enact a system that can better keep track of the permits, and especially...
  11. Winny

    Do you need a permit to collect rainwater in Michigan?

    I'm thinking about collecting rainwater, and I want to set up a system to where I can collect it yearly. Either to use for drinking, my garden, or even for an outdoor shower system. I want to buy a big tub or water storage container and collect it for later use. I figure could save some money on...
  12. Winny

    What online permitting systems do you use?

    Here in Michigan, we have LARA for some permit needs and I think MDOT also has an online portal. That's all I know of off the top of my head though.
  13. Winny

    What is the one thing you think your permit counter can do a better job of?

    I like this answer. I really think it's about making sure people have an easy time when obtaining permits. And having people around to help makes the whole process way easier, especially for people who've never obtain or filed permits before. Having that can be huge to lots of people.
  14. Winny

    Yavapai County will expand $65,000 home program

    That's great, and seeing that 19 homes have been created in these 4 years, is quite nice. That's 19 families able to have a bedroom of their own, or just a roof over their heads. Even the one-bedroom homes sound appealing, but since I have a family, I'd have to go the three bedroom house at...
  15. Winny

    Unpermitted ADUs a growing issue in Bay Area

    I think more needs to be done, like affordable housing for all. ADUs are a small fix, but I don't think they're the thing that will solve the main problem. I think at some point, states and governments need to come together and provide even free housing for some. At least until they can find a...